Brandon Coster
I am Brandon. A Web designer from Las Vegas.
Currently a freelance web designer rediscovering my passion for web design and cyber security.

About this human
Years ago I found a passion for web design and development. I spent many years creating and developing, from single page sites to ecommerce websites with 100's of pages and products. I stepped away from web design for awhile, but I've recently started my journey into cyber security through UNLV. My drive for technology is strong and the love I have for web design and cyber security is continuing to grow.
Freelance Web Designer/Owner (previously
Jan 2011 - Present
Implementation Lead/Developer
The BBS Agency (Formally Bootstrap Business Solutions)
May 2013 - Aug 2016 · 3 yrs 4 mos
As a web design developer I have years of experience working with clienteles from across the country and globe from small to large projects. I've had a hand in some amazing companies and website builds working with great teams as well as solo projects.
"Designing a website is like painting on a digital canvas, every pixel is a brushstroke, and every line of code a stroke of genius. Create with purpose, inspire with innovation, and let your web design speak volumes about the beauty of possibility."
From a small technical college to UNLV, My education grows with every google search. While schooling is important, there is much to be said about a person who can teach themself every single day. Staying current in tech requires constant learning.
University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV)
Cyber Security Bootcamp
Jan 2023 - Present
Moraine Park Technical College
IT Web Design and Development Web Developer Club (President)
Aug 2012 - Mar 2014
Other skills
"Jack of all trades, master of none" resonates with me and many designers I've encountered. I've dedicated myself to honing skills relevant to my work. Keeping up with the latest technologies and processes requires a continuous effort, but the grind is undeniably rewarding.
Frontend Development
User Experience Design
Mobile Responsive Design
WordPress/Site Builders
I've had the pleasure to meet talented and creative people with hobbies from different walks of life. It's these people that encouraged me to be passionate about everything in life.
Shooting Pool
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Press the button below to download my CV in .pdf format. I’m a pretty decent human.